Baylis & Harding
Baylis & Harding
Baylis & Harding Hotel ToiletriesAs of January 2023 Baylis & Harding miniature hotel toiletries are no longer produced. We have sourced an alternative product as a direct replacement for Baylis & Harding called Dukes & Dawes. A high-end brand that needs no introduction, Baylis & Harding presents a welcoming familiarity to your guests; they will enjoy their surroundings, as they enjoy their surroundings. A comforting and friendly presence, then, with plenty to win newcomers over as well. What your guests want from their toiletries comes often down to the unique smells, and the scent of Baylis & Harding is famed; and for those let to discover the joys of Baylis & Harding, what a pleasant surprise to discover such a pleasant aroma! How you choose to present the toiletries is down to your hotel’s own style and personality, and you will discover small bottles to big-value 500ml bulk buys, as well as some wonderful soaps and even scented candles. The finest thing a hotelier can offer is casual luxury. The choice of toiletry brand instantly sets the tone for a guest’s stay and, indeed, their impression of your hotel. With Baylis & Harding, your guests will instantly feel at home, and at one with the exquisite surroundings that you provide. After all, people love Baylis & Harding because it reminds them of a good hotel! |
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